- Ambient Occlusion
- Not supported for this application
- Anisotropic Filtering
- Application Controlled
- In-game options are available to control this, gl_ansio
- Antialiasing - FXAA
- Gamma Correction
- Antialiasing Mode
- Use global setting (Application-controlled) or use a custom value
- Antialiasing can be disabled ingame using the -nomsaa launch option, otherwise there is limited control for this feature in the game.
- Antialiasing Setting
- Dependant on the previous setting, if set to Application Control it will be greyed out.
- Antialiasing Transparency
- If you have one video card leave as Use global setting (All), otherwise choose the GPU you would like to use.
- Maximum pre-rendered frames
- Use global setting (Use the 3D application setting)
- This can be lowered to slightly reduce buffer latency however it may also cause inconsistency in some games or systems.
- Multi-Frame Sampled AA (MFAA)
- OpenGL rendering GPU
- If you have one video card leave as Use global setting (Auto-select), otherwise choose the GPU you would like to use.
- Power management mode
- Prefer maximum performance
- Preferred refresh rate
- Use global setting (Application-controlled)
- Shader Cache
- Use global setting (On)
- You may also try it with off, this feature is intended to improve rendering performance however it will increase disk activity instead of CPU overhead.
- Texture Filtering - Anisotropic sample optimization
- Use global setting (Off), this setting only applies to DirectX programs, CS 1.6 uses OpenGL.
- Texture Filtering - Negative LOD bias
- Use global setting (Allow)
- Texture Filtering - Quality
- Texture Filtering - Triliear optimization
- Use global setting (On), this setting only applies to DirectX programs, CS 1.6 uses OpenGL.
- Threaded optimization
- Off, having this on may increase latency but improve fps. As this is an old game it is recommended to leave this off as per the Nvidia control panel suggestion.
- Triple buffering
- Vertical sync
- Use global setting (Use the 3D application setting)
- In-game options are available to control this, gl_vsync
- Virtual Reality pre-rendered frames